8570 Greenwood Ave N
Seattle, Washington 98103

Kick back with a group of shiny folks who happen to love the best Sci-Fi/Western/Adventure TV Show that ever graced the airwaves...if only for a few short weeks.
We welcome all manner of folk who might be curious as to what the heck we're all about. Join us and have a mug of Mudder's Milk!

Sereniversary Shindig @ Wayward Coffeehouse!
As in - No Charge for having fun!
Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 6:00PM

We Browncoats got it happenin' here in the Pacific NorthWasted so grab a transport, do a full burn and flash yur Firefly arse into Seattle ...BTW, if anyone enjoys listening to Firefly Filk music, well...we got the best filkers around! Don't know what Filk is? Darn good reason to come find out!

Wayward Coffeehouse
8570 Greenwood Ave N
Seattle , WA 98103
(206) 706-3240

6 pm: Done the Impossible - the story of the fans who loved Firefly
7 pm: Browncoat/Joss Whedon trivia (with prizes!)
8 pm: Michelle and Tony, live music (firefly and other filk)
undetermined time: super secret special something

Jump into this shiny Shindig and celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the release of the 2005 movie, "Serenity"!
"We've done the impossible and that makes us mighty."

Live music by Michelle Dockrey and Tony Fabris - Filk musicians who were inspired by the show Firefly and wrote "Mal's Song" (featured on Done the Impossible) to show their passion. They'll have CD's for purchase for any Browncoat (and any future Browncoat) who hears their music and simply must have it.

Costumes are encouraged! There may even be door prizes! And applause!

Bring your friends, family or complete strangers and introduce them to the 'Verse. They will thank you forever.

Did I mention there might be door prizes??

More information:

Wayward Coffeehouse is just that...a coffeehouse. Coffee, tea and related beverages are available as well a shipload of shiny sandwiches. Please respect the business and buy your refreshments from them. Violators will be shot....politely.
Nearby bars and pubs have the alcoholic beverages of your choice and will ask you to please finish them within their establishment. Alliance officials will be watching for rebels!

Official Website: http://firefly.meetup.com/55/

Added by Traevynn on September 15, 2007