Hope St, Liverpool, L1 9BP
Liverpool, England

Contains infrequent moderate battle violence

Director Steven Spielberg 2012 tbc mins
Starring Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Thewlis, Emily Watson

Based on the bestseller of the same name, this is the story of Albert and his horse, Joey, and how their bond is broken when Joey is sold to the cavalry and sent to the trenches of World War One. Despite being too young to enlist, Albert heads to France to save his friend.

'Steven Spielberg has adapted a beloved novel in the most sumptuous way imaginable, and set it to an equally evocative John Williams score created specifically to turn everyone into a helpless quivering wreck.'
The Guardian

Official Website: http://crd.fm/fJ

Added by Liverpool Philharmonic on December 12, 2011