285 Technology Center Way
Wenatchee, Washington 98801

The statistics surrounding how much time is lost every day to someone looking for a document is enough to stop anyone in their tracks! Certified Professional Organizer, April Welch, has created a workshop like no other, giving you back that time with strategies created around how you already are wired.

First learn what your organizing personality is, then begin building systems that work with you not against you - both in your professional paperwork and at home.

Understanding the fundamentals of how to create a safety net will ensure long term success no matter what youre searching for or how long it has been since you saw it!

Eliminating confusing mass marketed systems - all information is based on years of working with clients, April brings her tried and true advice to a workshop atmosphere. Not to worry though her usual energetic and humorous perspective promises that these 3 hours will be engaging and dare we say fun?

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of simplyorganized.

Added by simplyorganized on July 17, 2008