17 Jiak Kim Street
Singapore, Central Singapore 169420

The annual all-girl DJ Bootcamp is back at Zouk, bigger and badder! Featuring some of Singapore's best as lecturers, including Ginette Chittick, Jean Reiki, Kiat and Zouk's own Jeremy Boon! Also watch out for special international guest lecturer, Jennifer Cardini (Kompakt). Limited to 10 girls. Visit our Facebook Page for more info and to apply!

Heineken presents:
FFF Girl DJ Bootcamp
Powered by Lenovo

1, 8, 15 & 22 October
1pm - 7pm

APPLY NOW: http://www.facebook.com/fffgirldjbootcamp

Official Website: http://www.facbeook.com/fffgirldjbootcamp

Added by funkinshroom on August 20, 2011

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