400 Clifton Ave
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701

In celebration of all the Ferias that take place in Spain during the year, and a Taste of Mexico with dances from Jalisco and Veracruz, we take you on a journey that begins in Madrid, winds back and forth from the Colonies, Mexico, and ends in Andalucia. Enjoy the costumes recreated from the paintings of Goya, famous in Spain during the 18th Century for his depictions of the Duchess of Alba in La Spagnola; the costumes of the Colonies of the 18th Century in the Guajiras; the riding costumes of the Zapateado de Sarasate from the turn of the century; the typical festive costumes worn by dancers for the Rocieras (an 800 year old festival where the musicians stroll playing flutes, drums tambourines ands guitars); to the very colorful Mexican costumes. Enjoy the similarities of the footwork of the Mexican dances with those of the festive Flamenco dances - the Zapateado in the Mexican portion is danced without music; the Zapateado de Sarasate is danced with the virtuosity of a viola.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 22, 2010