1418 W. Howard St. at Sheridan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Awareness - Flexibility – Stability – The joy and ease of movement
The workshop is designed to increase overall flexibility and coordination through a variety of curiously exploring movement sequences called ATM (Awareness Through Movement).
This Workshop will provide a unique blend between two main aspects. The primary being the specialty of the Feldenkrais Work to make habitual patterns visible/feelable to ourselves, thereby enabling us to choose and establish new – ease and well-being providing – habits. The lessons will prepare the ground for a series of 6 simple stretching movements called Zen-Meridian-Stretches, designed to activate the meridians in order to improve inner organ functioning. You will therefore walk away with inspirations how to explore and discover yourself with an open mind in a joyful and easy way and you will also learn a simple health-establishing and -maintaining daily routine.

Saturday, August 13, 9:00am - 2:00pm
$65 incl tea break,
Visit our web site for discounts & to sign up for our free newsletter
To register & for info call 773-262-1468, visit www.Lifesurfing.org
Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St at Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60626


Added by Lake Side Cafe on July 11, 2011

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