2301 Hardies Ln
Santa Rosa, California 95403

This exhibition, co-curated by cartoon historian Brian Walker, is the second in a trilogy exploring the foundations of cartooning. How Cartoonists Create Characters explores iconic characters, cartoon heroes and villains, and dynamic duos. A section featuring Peanuts strips displays how four major charactersCharlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, and Snoopydeveloped over the 50-year history of the strip. The exhibition contains over 65 original comic strips and includes a childrens discovery area where children can exercise their imaginations to create their own characters or alter egos.Exhibition Date: Continues through November 30, 2009 Location: Downstairs Changing Gallery Admission:Adults - $8Youth and Seniors - $5Youth - Children 418 and College Students with Valid ID Seniors - 62+Schulz Museum Members and children under 4 - Free

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 29, 2009