119 Utah Street
San Francisco, California 94103

Mashable and Chi.mp are proud to announce: Evolve, the Web 2.0 Expo after party on April 23rd, 2008 at Mighty in San Francisco, California. Our co-host, Chi.mp, will be announcing and sharing a sneak preview of their new platform that will set you up with your own free domain that comes with a content hub and identity management platform… “It’s where you will break free for free – and truly own your digital self online.”

What: Evolve: Web 2.0 Expo After Party
Who: Co-hosted by Chi.mp and Mashable
Where: Mighty, 119 Utah Street, San Francisco
When: 7:00 - 10:00 PM, Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

RSVP?: Tickets are on sale at $10/ticket, however, as a limited introduction offer, the first 150 users to use the code “mashme” will pay nothing! Register here…


Official Website: http://mashable.com/evolve/

Added by Adam Hirsch on April 2, 2008