52 Temple Pl
Boston, Massachusetts 02111

2 years...

20+ Presidential candidates...

Over 470 races...

A lot of news reports...

And now, it comes down to just one night.




DRINKING LIBERALLY (Cambridge, Boston, and Brookline)

As we host the largest young professional election night watch party in the great city of Boston.

With special guest appearances by Joe the Plumber, Mike the Baker, and Harry the Candlestick Maker.

DATE: November 4, 2008


PLACE: Mantra, 52 Temple Place (Near Downtown Crossing, Park St & Boylston T stops)



National election coverage and results of all state & local races will be announced and projected onto Mantra's walls throughout the night. Local DJs will be spinning before and after election results are determined (but, will not block out crucial election coverage).

Cash bar and complimentary appetizers will be served.

Your questions will finally be answered:

- Can the Democrats get to 60 Senate seats?

- Can the Democrats get to 60 without Joe Lieberman?

- Will strongly-Republican House seats in Wyoming, Idaho, and Alaska flip to the Democrats?

- Can the Republicans win back any seats on the House, Senate, and Gubernatorial level from the Democrats other than Florida's 16th District?

- And what of the Massachusetts ballot? Will Questions 1, 2, and 3 pass?

- Can John King from CNN get Michigan to bounce up and down on the funny screen thing? And will he finally let the panel play with the screen, likely causing Paul Begala and Lou Dobbs to play Pong with the Rhode Island as the ball, and Colorado and Oklahoma as the paddles?

- And finally, who will be the 44th President of the United States?

These questions will be answered, and you can be there.

Although the party starts at 7, don't forget - polls close at 8 in Massachusetts. Make sure to vote and get out the vote before you drop by! You can find your polling place at http://www.WhereDoIVoteMA.com

You can also find this event on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=33080337182

Hosted in part by Boston-area Drinking Liberally chapters:

Boston - http://livingliberally.org/drinking/chapters/MA/boston

Brookline - http://livingliberally.org/drinking/chapters/MA/brookline

Cambridge - http://livingliberally.org/drinking/chapters/MA/cambridge

Drinking Liberally is a weekly happy hour where liberals gather to discuss politics over drinks. Join us any time!

This event was submitted by MyBO. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gsxykv

Added by MyBO on November 2, 2008

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