5441 SE Belmont
Portland, Oregon 97215

In her Saturday workshop, Luisah Teish will present popular and little-known myths and stories of plants: herbs, trees, flowers and vegetables and their relationship to humans and other beings from world cultures.

Participants will explore their relationship to the world of plants, as reflected in the mythology, ecology, and spirituality of their own culture. Visualizations, movement, song and other exercises will enhance the students’ ability to perform story writing and storytelling.

Materials such as fresh herbs, flowers, spices, fabric and objects found in Nature will be used to create sacred objects. This workshop is open to women, men, and children.

Participants should wear comfortable clothing; bring writing and art materials, and small instruments.

In 1969, Teish received initiation into to the Fahamme Temple of Amun-Ra in St. Louis, Missouri. Presently she is the Chair of the World Orisha Congress Committee on Women’s Issues. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Spiritual Therapeutics from Open International University’s School of Complementary Medicine in Colombo Sri Lanka in 1993. She is also a devotee of Damballah Hwedo, the Haitian Rainbow Serpent, under the guidance of Moma Lola.

A resident of the Bay Area for thirty years, Luisah Teish has been actively involved in teaching transformation and working to insure justice and peacekeeping. Ms.Teish designs and conducts weddings, naming ceremonies, memorials and numerous seasonal celebrations. She has studied indigenous Native North and South American traditions and has conducted workshops on Black and Native American culture at Medicine Wheels (under the directions of Sun Bear’s tribal elders)

Ms. Teish is the author of several books on African and African American Spiritual Culture and Feminist Myth.

More information is available in her bio at http://www.luisahteish.com/

Details about Natural Way: Indigenous Voices programs can be found on the Earth and Spirit Council website http://www.earthandspirit.org

Official Website: http://www.earthandspirit.org

Added by sueflah on September 22, 2011

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