1120 John St.
Seattle, Washington

Join us for a special presentation about the conversion of NWSource.com to Drupal, the open source content management framework. With breakout groups on theming, code/development, and administration. This event is sponsored by The Seattle Times.

This presentation will be held at the Seattle Times Fairview Auditorium only 3-4 blocks down John from our regular meeting location at Vivace. The Seattle Times security desk in the lobby will direct people to the presentation hall.

Seattle Times Fairview Auditorium
1120 N John St. (corner of Fairview and John)

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UPDATE: date and venue have changed. This event will be held on a Wednesday rather than our usual third Thursday meeting. Coworking will still take place at Vivace prior to the presentation at the Seattle Times.

Meet up with Drupal administrators, programmers and users at this monthly gathering. Bring your knowledge, tips, and questions to share with the group. Please post any topics you would like to discuss, or specific questions you might like to work on. All levels of interest are welcome.


* Introductions
* Announcements
* NWSource.com presentation sponsored by Seattle Times
* Drupal questions & breakout groups

Official Website: http://groups.drupal.org/seattle

Added by communitysteps on April 12, 2007