661 Howard St
San Francisco, California

Drupal is the industry leading open-source social publishing system for the web that powers hundreds of thousands of community sites for companies such as Intel, Viacom, and Warner Brothers. The project has been growing quickly, roughly doubling in size every year since 2003, and in terms of core contributors it is the second largest open-source project in the world behind the Linux Kernel. With increasing interest in the marketplace for Drupal solutions we are reaching out to professionals exploring Drupal to provide an introduction to the software and open-source community.

On February 5th we will be giving a Drupal presentation over lunch at the Thirsty Bear brewing company in down town San Francisco. Gearing things for those reviewing Drupal, we will discuss the software's capabilities, support services available, and give an orientation of the open-source community behind it. After the presentation we will have a question and answer session that will put Drupal in the hotseat.

Date & Location

Thursday, February 5th
12PM - 1:30PM

Thirsty Bear Brewing Company
661 Howard St.
San Francisco, California

Lunch will cost $20 for attendees. We are reserving 25 seats which we expect to go quickly. Attendees must register here:


Official Website: http://www.chapterthree.com/drupal_lunch

Added by Zack Rosen on January 30, 2009

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