2275 Market St. @ 16th
San Francisco, California 94114

Author Drew Banks will be joining us to read from his latest book “Ere I Saw Elba.”

August 17, 1944.

Following a brief detainment, Brigitte Sureau and her parents are released seemingly intact from Drancy, a Nazi internment camp on the outskirts of Paris. After the war, when Brigitte’s mother captures the public eye as a model for Christian Dior’s “New Look” the reunited Sureaus become France’s standard for reconciliation. The notoriety veils the family’s quiet disintegration, ending in tragedy that forces Brigitte into exile. Fifty years later a chance encounter exposes fact from fiction, and Brigitte must face the betrayal that shattered her youth.

About the Author:
Drew Banks is an entrepreneur and author. In both his business writing and fiction. Drew deconstructs behavioral patterns in an attempt to explore casual motivations and deterrents. While Drew’s first two business books, Beyond Spin and Customer Community examine organizational implications of various social psychologies, he is drawn to fiction as a more intimate medium for delving beneath the surface of the individual. Ere I Saw Elba is his second novel, as well as the second of The Elba Trilogy: Able was I.

Official Website: http://booksinc.net/SFCastro

Added by Books Inc. Castro Events on September 21, 2009