2219 Canal Street
Houston, Texas 77003

The warmth and glow of desert dreams come to life when the artwork of Maria Hughes is put on display in the exhibition opening “Dreaming in Color” from March 31 to April 28 at Canal Street Gallery. From the imagination and innovative mind of Hughes, “Dreaming in Color” is a distinctive interpretation of deserts, landscapes and the natural world.

Born in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, she grew up immersed in the colors, textures and lines of this vast landscape filled with Technicolor sunsets. Intensity of color, movement, line and visual texture portray the energy Hughes imagined it took for the world to come into being and expresses the beauty she sees in nature.

Canal Street Gallery is located on the corner of Navigation Boulevard. and Canal Street. The gallery is open to the public on Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call Valentina Atkinson at 713-724-0709 or visit www.canalstreetgallery.com.

Added by LBPR on February 25, 2011

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