1328 Montana Avenue (at 14th Street)
Santa Monica, California 90403

Double Feature: IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD, 1939, MGM Repertory, 84 min. Dir. W.S. Van Dyke. The unbeatably likable Jimmy Stewart stars in this crime comedy as Guy Johnson, a detective with a heart of gold who gets caught hiding a wrongly accused friend. When both Guy and his friend are hauled into the police station, tried in court and sentenced to prison time, Guy unearths a new clue that may rescue them both and point the feds in the direction of the real criminal. With Claudette Colbert as Guy's delightful love interest. [35mm]

THE MAD MISS MANTON, 1938, Warner Bros., 80 min, Dir. Leigh Jason. Beautiful, charismatic Melsa Manton (a radiant Barbara Stanwyck) discovers a dead body, but when the corpse mysteriously disappears, the police and press accuse the charming socialite of being an irresponsible prankster. It is up to Melsa to prove them wrong, and to be fabulous once more. With Henry Fonda and Sam Levene. [35mm]

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Added by AmericanCinematheque on November 23, 2010