1328 Montana Avenue (at 14th Street)
Santa Monica, California 90403

Double Feature: DAYS OF HEAVEN, 1978, Paramount, 95 min. Director Terrence Malick’s lyrical tone poem set at the turn of the 20th century tracks impoverished Chicago couple Richard Gere and Brooke Adams as they migrate to the Texas Panhandle and masquerade as brother and sister to find farm work. When their smitten, terminally ill boss (Sam Shepard) proposes to Adams, the couple see a way out of their poverty. But after the marriage, Shepard seemingly recovers, and tragic complications gradually unfold. Gorgeous, thoughtful and at times achingly romantic, this ambitious working class epic set the standard for Malick’s future films - passionate, moody and serene meditations on the human condition set in a tragic dimension. Nestor Almendros won the Oscar for Best Cinematography. Co-starring Linda Manz. [35mm]

MCCABE & MRS. MILLER, 1971, Warner Bros., 120 min. Director Robert Altman spins fresh variations on archetypal themes and characters in a film that set the mood for 1970s revisionist Westerns. Memorable opening images of an unlikely hero riding toward town, accompanied by the music of Leonard Cohen, introduce this opium dream of a Western, starring Warren Beatty and Julie Christie, with superb cinematography by Vilmos Zsigmond. [35mm]

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Added by AmericanCinematheque on November 21, 2010