302 Court Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 50310

Meetup #dmtweetup style

Official Website: http://dmtweetup.org

Added by abrudtkuhl on April 20, 2008



Brett Trout is buying drinks all night with his fake ID


I'll be there, but only till about 6:00... sigh.


I have an appointment from 7 - 8:30. Hmm...probably be there at some point...


It will be the social event of the minute!


Sure thing on the drinks. Just find me and demand your drink. If I try to tell you you have the wrong guy, just don't take "no" for an answer.


haha nice try !!


Can't wait. I'll be arriving a little late, 6:30. Hopefully everyone will have a drink or three in them by that time.


I think I'll be able to stop by. How will I find you all???


I'll try to make it but am going to be very, very late. Like 9:00. We'll see who the twitter Spartans are.


@LizaK yes, please bring a contact sheet of 48x48 pixel photos. You should be easy to recognize by your gray, square head, white eyes and enormous smile. You'll probably also be the only one looking at a piece of paper, trying to match pictures with heads.

Actually, don't do any of this. I think you'll find us.

ETA: Apparently, I will look just like you.


@LizaK Hey, you might recognize me. :)

I should be there. Hopefully with @lindsayjean11 and @timfisher.


it's generally pretty easy to spot a bunch of web geeks. look for iphones, cameras, laptops, etc all in a big group


Tomorrow's my birthday, so I'll need to head home by around 6. I'm hoping to get there around 5:00 if anybody else can't wait the extra half hour to start pouring booze down your throat! :-)


Sounds like a great plan for Thursday night.


@Timfisher I am planning on being there early as well, since I have a suity function I have to attend at 6 with a very non-geeky friend of mine. Since I am driving, she gets to attend the first part of #dmtweetup at no extra charge.


Hey...new guy here. Plan on stopping in for a bit, if ya'll don't mind. ;)