202 S. Anderson
Elwood, Indiana

The Historic Elwood Opera House, Ghost Hunter's Investigation Group, Crossroads Paranormal and ASPRN Radio invite you to:

Join us October 3rd, 2009 for the first annual Dining with Ghosts at the historic Elwood Opera House in Elwood, Indiana.

Enjoy a fantastic buffet dinner at an historically haunted opera house with their resident ghosts.

Dining with Ghosts will be an exciting event for anyone not involved in a group. However, experienced investigators will also enjoy the evening.

We will have two speakers, including Keith, who is the grandson of the original building owner. He will give us the history of this amazing building. Kris Baker, a co-founder of Crossroads Paranormal, will be discussing paranormal investigating.

The investigation will follow the speakers as we break down into groups and, with a guide, take an investigative tour of some of the most active areas. You are welcome to bring your own cameras, recorders and EMF meters if you have them.

A live webcast, hosted by Crossroads Paranormal and All Souls Paranormal Radio Network,will also be part of this event.

There will be vendors to visit and talk with when you are not involved in the investigation.

You will have a chance to gather after your investigation and talk about your experiences. You could even be interviewed during the webcast. There is a chance that you might be heard live around the world.

Your experiences will be unforgettable and you will have a lot of fun if you decide you would like to join us in Dining with Ghosts.

Official Website: http://www.ghigonline.com/diningwithghosts.php

Added by ghig2008 on June 5, 2009