3410 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304

Aren't we all interested in expanding our consciousness, at least when we are not amusing ourselves to death ;-)

Steven Vedro has written a user's guide into Expanding Consciousness in the Infosphere: Digital Dharma.

I am happy that he will present his findings at our next Future Salon on Friday the 18th of January 6pm at SAP Labs in Palo Alto. (more details further down)

Abstract of his talk:

An electronic web surrounds the planet. In the last decade communications networks have advanced from wires to fiber optics, from interconnected radio and television grids to a world of billions of wirelessly communicating sensory devices – each with its own address in cyberspace. Emerging from what French philosopher-priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin called the shared noosphere of collective human thought, invention and spiritual seeking, the Infosphere – our collective systems for sharing thought, is now a field that engulfs our physical, mental and etheric bodies; it affects our dreaming and our cultural life. Our evolving nervous system has been extended, as media sage Marshal McLuhan predicted in the early 1960’s, into a global embrace.

The electronic media amplify, distort and attenuate our senses, change our awareness, and “mediate” our experiences. But from a mystical perspective, everything we have created in cyberspace holds a lesson for our spiritual unfolding. The Infosphere is the new environment through which humanity must now play out its evolutionary challenges. If the universe itself, as many philosophers tell us, is a field, not just of matter, but also of information, then the Infosphere must hold in its microcosm all levels of human experience: all knowledge, all our dramas of politics and power, and all our dreams. This knowledge is encoded in our ubiquitous systems of telecommunications, and yet because it is so omnipresent, to most of us it is still invisible.

This multimedia talk introduces the hidden esoteric teachings embedded in this electronic environment, and suggests some ways to use the wisdom embodied in the Infosphere to nurture what I have called a new Digital Dharma – an awareness practice that will help us recognize the social and the spiritual lessons reflected to us in the telecommunications networks that form the global Infosphere, exploring the social and spiritual challenges reflected in our cell phone mania, our love/hate relationship with the foolish heart of television, the impossibility of finding the truth over the internet, and the challenge of deep-seeing brought to us by high-definition digital broadcasting and online virtual reality.

Can't wait for the discussions during and after the talk.

A Future Salon has the following structure: 6-7 networking with light refreshments proudly sponsored by SAP. From 7-9+ pm presentation and discussion. SAP Labs North America, Building D, Room Southern Cross or Cafeteria depending on how many people sign up. SAP is located at 3410 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304 map As always free and open to the public, spread the news and please RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/2chxh5

See you all there.

If you can't join in person we will webcast the event and tape it too. Point your Quicktime viewer to the following address:

IRC chat as always:
Server: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #futuresalon

Official Website: http://www.futuresalon.org/2007/12/digital-dharma.html

Added by finnern on December 9, 2007



Digital Dharma Future Salon Tomorrow Friday 18th

A colleague of mine reading about our next Future Salon: Digital Dharma The Path of Consciousness in the Age of the Infosphere said: "I know every single word, but together? I have a tough time to make sense out of it."

He may not be the only one, but isn't that intriguing? Don't you want to find out more? This is not your ordinary Silicon Valley talk about the latest gadget. This one is looking at the bigger picture, is there consciousness in our daily madness, a bigger purpose in the things we are doing?

I am totally looking forward to our Future Salon tomorrow Friday 18th of January, 6pm at SAP Labs 3410 Hillview Avenue in Palo Alto.

This week I got the following email when I send my details to the Blogger Council:

After reading your bio, I just made the connection about what Future Salon is. For several years, I've been a faithful reader of Evelyn Rodriguez's Crossroads Dispatches blog, and it didn't hit me at first that your organization is the same one she's been blogging about all these years.

So please allow me to say that I'm a huge fan of the work you guys have been doing the past few years. I wish there was a similar group here in Chicago, as the type of progressive, forward-thinking conversations you are hosting out west are sorely needed here as well. I would love to talk with you further at some point about that, and if it makes sense, getting involved somehow.

That made my day and if you join us tomorrow, you can be part ofthe magic. Our speakers often tell me that we ask the best questions.

See you all there.

Co-posted at the Future Salon Blog: http://www.futuresalon.org/2008/01/digital-dharma.html