33 New Oxford Street
London, England WC1A 1BH

Startups need developers.

Developers like cool jobs.

Let's get together!

There's a wide range of startups emerging in London and a great developer community. When the two combine, everybody wins.

Please register at EventBrite so we can make you a nice name badge.

FREE BAR sponsored by Huddle.net, the unified collaboration platform with a social networking twist.

Check out Huddle's API: http://www.huddle.net/developers/

Huddle's hiring: http://www.huddle.net/careers

Startups! Find developers experienced with a wide range of tools and platforms and from a variety of backgrounds, including major web properties, agencies, startups and freelancing.

Developers! Meet startups creating interesting new businesses run by cool people with the chance to make a name for yourself as the next Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Mullenwegg or Ev Williams. Our startups have money to pay market rate salaries and many will offer equity.

The evening will have a roughly equal number of developers and founders networking informally.

Some of the skills required/represented:

- Python, Django
- Ruby, Rails
- Java
- .NET
- iPhone development
- Android
- Ajax
- HTML/Javascript/CSS

Any and all skills welcome. If you are an experienced developer feeling unchallenged or looking for something with big potential, come along. If you're a startup, we've got the developers you're looking for!

Official Website: http://developersandstartups.eventbrite.com/

Added by afternoon on October 13, 2008