2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

Open to the public. No prerequisite for taking this class. This class is a prerequisite for future classes in the Psychic Development Program. This class will provide you with the basics to develop your psychic sense. Learn how the psychic mind operates, get tips to increase your psychic abilities, and discuss ethical and boundary issues that are critical to using the psychic sense in a healthy way. Just like any skill, the more often you use your psychic sense, the better you get at it. It’s like going to the gym and lifting weights. The more regularly you do weight training, the stronger your muscle gets. You will experience lots of games and exercises in class that you can use at home to strengthen your psychic muscle. You will also learn how to apply to use your psychic sense in your everyday life. Hypnosis in class and hypnosis CD to take home helps you remove blocks to your psychic ability and increase your access to this innate sense. Karen Fox is a professional psychic and hypnotherapist. She offers readings at ISIS on Tuesday afternoons. For more info on Karen and the Psychic Development Program, visit her website: www.PsychicClarity.com Class size 20 ~ Register in advance ~ Pay at the class.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 30, 2010