316 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90405

Geeks meet, eat, drink and get the geek on in Los Angeles.

The Geek Dinners are a monthly gathers of Internet technology lovers in Los Angeles. Anyone who has an interest and passion for technology, the internet, internet technologies, software or you just know you're a geek is welcome.
RSVP only if you plan on attending. If you RSVP yes and do not attend you may incur fiscal penalties (i.e. it will cost you money)

Back Back to the west side. It's our second time at El Texate and expect it to get spicy! We have a room for 50 people. This is an a la carte dinner option meaning you are responsible for paying for all your food and drink at the venue. If you skip out, watch out, we're a wily bunch.

It's simple, RSVP yes, show up, eat, drink, pay for your stuff, meet awesome people, have great conversations and a great time.

There is a small side parking lot which fills up fast. You may have to find street parking, so be tactful.

Official Website: http://barcamp.org/BarCampLA-Geek20

Added by mjlambie on December 11, 2007



Anyone for a carpool from Burbank/Glendale?


I'll carpool with you :-)


I'm looking forward to it! Happy Holidays everyone.


I'm coordinating with Stephanie about doing a joint LA/SF geek dinner. She's set up Justin.tv and I'm bringing some web cams to give away. I'm prolly gonna use oovoo or stickam.

Their upcoming event info is here: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/384133/


@heathervescent: showoff! :) sounds awesome>


i'd help ya carpool, but i'm in walking distance! :)


Something came up and I can't make it guys! Drink a margarita or two (or five Andy) for me! ;P


Can't make it this time... I'm sick :-(


San Jose is joining us virtually. Watch from afar at
Stickam: http://www.stickam.com/profile/lageekdinner
or justin.tv: http://www.justin.tv/lageekdinner


bring your webcams and evdo cards.


Heather, Thank you for coordinating this with me. :)

LA, South Bay Geek Dinner will be joining you virtually from Palo Alto. Check us out on justing.tv...


Sincerest apologies but the rainy roads combined with my poor night vision (thank you LASIK) have made driving home perilous enough to dissuade me from making the trip tonight. If funds are desired next time around I will accommodate.