10 Columbus Cir
New York, New York 10019

Get ready for a culture-filled spring! Beginning April 3, the second floor of Time Warner Center will transform to house a series of paintings by renowned artist Daniel Bottero.

The exhibit of colorful abstract paintings – which includes both new pieces and classic works – will be open to the public. Bottero is well-known for his use of bold colors and dramatic images. He lived in Manhattan for many years before moving to Miami (where he currently resides), and his work melds influences from both cities – and is coveted by galleries and celebrities alike.

“There isn’t a gallery in New York that’s the size of Time Warner Center’s space,” says Bottero. “Plus, the location and the building itself is a piece of art – it’s the perfect setting to exhibit. The energy of my work reflects the energy of this vibrant city, and I am thrilled to be a part of it!”

Bottero’s exhibit will be on display through April 30. After you visit, may we suggest that you head one floor up for a delicious lunch or dinner at Bouchon Bakery to complete the perfect afternoon or evening outing?

Official Website: http://www.theshopsatcolumbuscircle.com/buzz/daniel-bottero-art-exhibit-opening-april-3/

Added by Path Timeinc on April 5, 2012

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