151 North Marginal Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

From system lockups and blue screens to diminished laptop battery life, the problems with a certain proprietary plugin are well known and widespread. The W3C is trying to alleviate these problems by allowing developers to embed video directly into the browser using the new video tag.

This talk will explain the history behind HTML5 video, the pros and cons of different video encodings and the legal aspects of one encoding in particular that has received an unfair reputation. Joe will guide us through various code examples culminating with a demonstration of CSS and Javascript integration. If you have a website that delivers video or are interested in learning more about one of the most exciting features of HTML5 you won’t want to miss this.

Official Website: http://clevelandwebstandards.org/

Added by cwsa on August 3, 2010



is there anyone attending that I can catch a ride with? I live in Lakewood near the park and cannot drive for a few more weeks. I would really like to attend this event. [email protected]