Pier 38 (next to AT&T Ballpark, Embarcadero&Brannan)
San Francisco, California 94107

Accurate map of where Pier 38 is: http://img.skitch.com/20090720-cjw5xt62r16xmw52n2gf9f2g7q.jpg

Sponsors: Automattic, Cakespy, Cupcake Swirl, Cups and Cakes Bakery, Iron Cupcake Earth, Jasmine Rae Bakery, Mexican Vanilla, Mimoco, Sticker Giant, Sugar Beat Sweets, Ticketfly

Last year, we threw the first ever CupcakeCamp and it was a delicious success, so much so that it became a worldwide phenomenon. It is with much excitement that we announce San Francisco's CupcakeCamp for 2009!

Feel free to let us know you want to attend at: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4408775

Event tagging: #ccsf

If you're baking or buying cupcakes for the event, you must register your cupcakes.

How CupcakeCamp Works

(this mainly applies to people bringing cupcakes, but please feel free to just show up and enjoy eating them too!)

This is an event for cupcake lovers, so you can:
- buy cupcakes to bring
- bake cupcakes to bring
- just eat cupcakes

1. No limit on how many cupcakes you can bring (the more you can bring, the better) - and mini cupcakes are encouraged!

2. You need to have your cupcakes (how much and what type) registered by Sunday, September 27 at Noon -otherwise we will have to do the unthinkable and reject your precious cupcakes (o noes!).

3. People bringing cupcakes should plan on bringing them to Automattic by 1:00pm the day of

4. In true BarCamp style, we will have twelve 15 min. timeslot schedules for tasting different types of cupcakes. The schedule will be posted at the event.

5. Add yourself to the CupcakeCamp Baker Directory! Request access to the CupcakeCamp PBwiki to connect with other cupcake lovers.

6. We will have a Best In Show competition! Categories for best in show: Best Halloween Cupcake, Best Decorated, Best Unique Ingredients, and Best Breakfast-inspired. You can opt-in for a category when you arrive with your cupcakes at 1pm.

That's it for now - can't wait!

- Ariel Waldman, Lauren Caveness, Lynn LaVallee, Marianne Masculino

Official Website: http://cupcakecamp.org

Added by arielwaldman on September 3, 2009