On-line Across America
Across America, Florida

Learn the keys to Creative Finacing for Real Estate Investors
with Lori Greymont, CEO Summit Assest Group

REGISTER NOW AT: http://webinar18-sgweb.eventbrite.com

Thinking Outside the Box WILL help you buy at least one house this year!
Lori will help you understand how to--
-Find the Money
-Choose the Property, and
-Structure the Deal

Why use Lori's creative strategies?
-A tool for achieving cash flow while capturing the upside of appreciation
----Tap into a huge, underserved homebuyer market
-----Security for you
------Quicker sales
-------Opportunity for homebuyer

Through concrete examples and case studies, Lori gives you creative strategies to jumpstart your investing.

We look forward to meeting you online!

Official Website: http://webinar18-sgweb.eventbrite.com

Added by SUSAN HARE on June 9, 2011

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