4624 Packard Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

The most comprehensive CPR course available, including Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This class is for doctors, nurses, paramedics, EMTs, lifeguards and other health care professionals who have a duty to act in an emergency.

Official Website: http://wc-redcross.org/Take_a_Class.php

Added by paintern on March 24, 2010



Just to let anyone who's thinking of attending know, there's 39 tickets left for the event out of a total of 120.

We estimate it'll sell out in the next few days. Hope to see you there.


This event is now sold out.

The next event we'll be running is a panel session on widgets and aggregation in the free part of ad:tech London on 27th September (but you do need to register for ad:tech to gain entry)

Then we're holding an informal meet up for beverages after ad:tech in a nearby hostelry on the same day. All welcome. More details here:


Suggest to take a look at http://www.viewmy.tv - social and free Internet TV aggregation service, live since feb 07.
800+ channels, personalised user pages, widgets galore (mac, pc, facebook, blogger, twitter, rss reader...)
Social (user recommendations, comments, rating, saving, chat, invites, public/private sharing options...)

(Chinwag sold out so i won't be there but likely to be in Soho from 3pm)