1418 W. Howard St. at Sheridan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Eckart Tolle, author of World’s Bestsellers: “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth- Awakening to your Life’s Purpose” on Video with Oprah Winfrey. Weekly online sessions were broadcasted in the beginning of 2008 on Oprah.com, watched by millions. Now, 4 of the 10 online sessions will be shown at the Inner Metamorphosis University.
Eckart Tolle’s teaching provides us with very practical steps to practice being in the NOW, being fully alert in every moment without the continuously running and problem making mind. A “peacefulness beyond imagination” arises, so sais Eckart Tolle, with the full acceptance of every moment as it is.

Chapter 10: A New Earth – Final Chapter:
On the surface of things you are this person with a name and a form, but in the depth of your being you are the universe experiencing itself. Usually one starts life with the outward movement, accumulating knowledge, material things, expanding… After a certain age, the return movement begins, that it is a wonderful time for going back home into the spiritual dimension…

Official Website: http://www.lifesurfing.com/calendar-events.html

Added by Lake Side Cafe on August 20, 2008

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