20000 NW Walker Rd
Beaverton, Oregon 97006

Continuous Integration in Theory and Practice

The Continuous Integration process is often summed up as "don't break the build," but there is a lot more to it than that. Continuous Integration done properly is all about shortening the feedback loop between developers so that any changes that affect other developers are dealt with as quickly as possible. This talk will cover how CI works in practice, as well as the theory behind reducing integration times and increasing developer productivity that CI enables.


Patrick Cauldwell has worked for a number of diverse software development companies around the Portland area over the last 15 years, ranging from Intel to small consulting companies. During that time he has witnessed a number of software development strategies, some successful and others less so. Patrick enjoys speaking and writing on software development. He has presented at Microsoft TechEd and other developer conferences across the country. He is currently working at SoftSource Consulting, in Portland.

Dates/Times: Thursday, Jun. 12, 2008; Networking @ 6:00 PM; Seminar @ 7:00 PM
Location: OGI School of Science & Engineering, Wilson Clark Center (building 3 on campus map) Dining Room

Official Website: http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=2381

Added by multimodal on June 2, 2008

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