3617 W Belle Plaine Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60618

If you have ever walked out of a movie theater affected by a powerful film, movie nights at the Center of Light are for you!

These events provide a way for people to talk about inspiring movies on a deeper level and how they affect our lives, our attitudes, our perceptions. It's also a great opportunity to meet like-minded people! These events are free, and if you would like to give a donation, we will send it to an organization that's truly helping the world.

The February Conscious Movie is Vanishing of the Bees and all donations support the American Beekeeping Association, a national organization working in the interest of all beekeepers and those associated with the industry to ensure the future of the honeybee. It's a phenomenon with a name - Colony Collapse Disorder - but no explanation or solution exists. Vanishing of the Bees details the economic, political and ecological consequences of a dwindling world honeybee population.

Added by Sister Celeste on February 14, 2012

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