1020 Discovery Road
Eagan, MN, Minnesota 55121

Intertech’s Complete Hibernate course teaches students the most popular object-relational mapping framework for Java environments. Object relational mapping in large enterprise applications is difficult. The task is so difficult that the problem of storing and retrieving objects to a relational database has its own name – impedance mismatch.

In this class, students learn object-relational mapping concepts and the various issues and options available in Java to address object persistence. With these fundamentals, the course then explores the basics of Hibernate object persistence and configuration. It also digs into the details of Hibernate mapping, queries, transactions, and concurrency.

Not just a class that focuses on theory, this course is loaded with practical labs and deals with maintenance and performance issues. After taking this class, developers will be able to build faster, more flexible and easier to maintain application persistence layers and overcome impedance mismatch with the Hibernate framework.

Official Website: http://www.intertech.com/Courses/Course.aspx?CourseID=99267

Added by Tech Guy on December 30, 2008

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