325 Superior Avenue N.E.
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

This Community Forum sponsored by CoolCleveland and Meet.The.Bloggers will focus on the recent proposal by the Cuyahoga County Commissioners to raise the sales tax 1/4% to help fund a convention center, medical mart and other projects.

The format will focus on fostering a public discussion, with scribes recording issues and questions raised by the public in attendance. Can't attend? Not to worry! Comments and questions can be posted in advance of the Forum. Post your comment or question on line at: http://www.CoolCleveland.com.

Subject matter experts including the three commissioners have been invited to attend. They will be a part of the audience and will be available for brief responses to specific questions, but none will be giving a presentation. This community forum is for the public to raise questions and issues that need to be answered.

Let's put the "PUBLIC" in a public meeting regarding the sales tax increase.

Registration is free, but required to attend this event. To register, visit http://www.coolcleveland.com.

Official Website: http://www.coolcleveland.com

Added by MeetTheBloggers on July 3, 2007



Will there be petitions there to sign, to get this issue on the ballot?