1580 Broadway
New York, New York 10036

Hey New York tea lovers! Jamba Juice just launched the very first Hot Blends Beverages—a delicious line of organic tea lattes blended to perfection—and we invite you to join us in the celebration at Times Square on Wednesday, March 31st from 11 am - 3 pm, to try them for yourself. Stop by, hop on a Jamba Fender Blender Bike—a stationary bike equipped with the same blender and blade you see in store—and pedal your way to creating a tasty, organic Original Spiced Chai Latte—on the house! Can’t make it? No worries—Jamba’s new Hot blends (which come in four frothy flavors)—are available for just $2 for a limited time. Sip, savor and enjoy Jamba’s new spin on tea!

Added by katewright on March 30, 2010

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