353 S. Fifth Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI, Michigan

If you are involved in the college selection process, it’s our 6th annual College Night with the college application experts Community High's college prep counselor John Boshoven; Deb Merion, the founder of Essay Coaching; and performance coach Geraldine Markel.

Learn about the college selection and application process at this invaluable event: Part 1: Finding and Paying for the College that Fits; Part 2: Applying to College: Those Pesky Essays; Part 3: Applying to College: Those Pesky Tests. This event will include a book signing and copies of the book will also be available for purchase.

For more information on this event, call the Library at 327-8301 or visit our website at aadl.org.

Added by ann arbor district library on September 26, 2012