1710 Orrington Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201

Web designers and web marketers are invited to attend the 2011 CMS Expo Learning and Business Conference. Hosted by the CMS Association, CMS Expo is the place for CMS pros to learn the best web skills and business practices, while making valuable business connections, all under one roof.

The 2011 CMS Expo will be held May 2nd through 4th at the Hilton Orrington Hotel, a block from Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois. Over 400 web pros are expected to participate in over 80-plus learning sessions, plus keynotes, interactive panel discussions and roundtable discussions.

Who Should Attend:

- Web-Based Business Owners & Marketers
- Technology Directors & Managers
- Web Creatives & Producers
- Consultants & Developers

Business Sectors Represented:

- Small Business & Entrepreneurial Mid-Tier Companies
- Education: Colleges & Universities
- Government: Municipal, State & Federal
- Enterprise-Level Non-Profit Organizations

Learning Tracks:

The 2011 CMS Expo will feature nine Learning Tracks, covering what’s new and relevant in the fast-changing web content industry, including:

Business Track – 3 full days of learning from the world’s top business minds, including sessions on business models, mobile commerce, SEO, web marketing and more
Tech Foundations – Come learn HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Mootools, etc
Creative Foundations – Design, writing, blogging, audio, video & more
Comparison Track – Compare many of the world’s top CMSes, apps & add-ons
Evaluation Track – Learn and demo new products and services for the web world
DotNetNuke CMS – The #1 .net CMS, with over 10,000 apps and add-ons!
Drupal CMS – Powering Whitehouse.gov and many major sites worldwide!
Joomla! CMS – The most popular pure community-powered CMS on the planet!
Umbraco CMS – The fastest-growing .net-powered CMS today!

Additional CMSes and sessions added regulary. See www.CMSExpo.net for updates.

Official Website: http://cmsexpo.net

Added by J-mili on January 18, 2011

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