800 Lakeshore Blvd
Austin, Texas 78702

Join Keep Austin Beautiful for another great cleanup at the lake- this time after Austin City Limits Music Festival! ACL is an amazing experience for Austinites and visitors alike, however our creeks and lakes are the ones who see the dirty aftermath of such a large event. With your help we can remove the litter from the water and shoreline and show how much we care about Lady Bird Lake!
There are several sites around the lake to choose from, whether you'd like to help from the shoreline or from your boat! Each cleanup will end with a prize for the most unusual object found during the cleanup.
On-the-Water volunteers should be 16 or older and be comfortable around water.
Volunteers MUST pre-register for this event, please use the registration link below.

Official Website: http://www.KeepAustinBeautiful.org/LBLOctober2012

Added by keepaustinbeatiful on September 14, 2012

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