800 Lakeshore Blvd
Austin, Texas 78702

Join us for our last Lady Bird Lake cleanup of 2012! It's one of the most beautiful spots in Austin, and here's your chance to help keep it that way. Bring your family, friends, service group, coworkers, or just yourself and help us pick up litter from the shorelines. It's a fun and easy way to do your part in keeping our city beautiful.

There are several sites around the lake to choose from, whether you'd like to help from the shoreline or from your boat! Each cleanup will end with a prize for the most unusual object found during the cleanup.
On-the-Water volunteers should be 16 or older and be comfortable around water.
Volunteers MUST pre-register for this event at www.keepaustinbeautiful.org/LBLDec2012.

Official Website: http://www.KeepAustinBeautiful.org/LadyBirdLake

Added by keepaustinbeatiful on November 15, 2012

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