2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

Connect with other Wise Women; Join in Ceremony with Drums and Rattles!
What is a Medicine Wheel? What does “Good Medicine” mean? We will explore this Native American concept and see how it fits into our lives and world view. We will use ceremony and group energy to discover our “Place” on the Wheel and how that can help us. The circle has been a natural way for women to gather since the beginning. It creates a safe space to congregate for confidences, support, ceremony and tradition. Your facilitators, Andrea and Rachel Lord, are two women who have been circling for over 20 years and love helping like-minded spirits become empowered, celebrate life passages, work out problems and use the power of the feminine to help one another. BRING: A drum or rattle if you can. If not, we have extras.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 25, 2010