1285 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, New York 14222

Celebrated as one of the most influential artists of our time, Chuck Close has retained his vitality by continuously reinventing portraiture, a genre often underrecognized in contemporary art. This exhibit will focus exclusively on the artist's self-portraits, consisting of more than eighty works in a broad range of media -- painting, drawing, photography, collage, and printmaking -- that trace the evolution of his process and self-examination from 1967 to the present. Through nearly four decades, he has remained committed to rigorous experimentation within a carefully defined practice, using his own image more than any other subject matter. In examining this focused body of work, 'Chuck Close: Self-Portraits 1967 - 2005' highlights how an artist can create a remarkable pictorial language that continues to expand over a lifetime.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 29, 2008