2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

Free lecture and book signing with Christopher Penczak in support ofhis new book,the Living Temple of Witchcraft! Explore the mystery of initiation throught the Descent of the Goddess. Reenacted in many wiccan traditions during initiatory or seasonal rites, descover the sever fold meaning of the Goddess' descent to explore the magick of death, rebirth and love. Understand the pattern of initiation, of reaching a new level of consciousness and through the rebirth of the Godddess, become "free from fate." Compare the seven gates through which she passes with the seven gated castles of Anwnn in Welsh myth, the alchemical operations, the ancient planets, the chakras and the Miracle of Bread in traditional craft. Experience an intense journey through the seven gates to experience your own rebirth and return. Learn what you must surrender to be reborn. Based on Christopher's newest book: The Living Temple of Witchcraft Volume I: The Descent to the Goddess.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 25, 2009