47 Phila St
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866

Tickets: $22/$18 members. A second show is scheduled for 9:30 PM.

Acclaimed by the New York Times as a "comic observer of contemporary manners," incisive singer-songwriter Christine Lavin sparkles (both literally and figuratively) in concert.

Armed only with a guitar, a miner's headlamp, a pair of batons, and boundless insight into popular culture, Christine takes the house by storm with her giddy stories, rants, and riotous original songs on a broad spectrum of unlikely subjects, from sensitive New Age guys to "permanent reminders of temporary fads."

She has released sixteen solo album in an illustrious career that includes seven years as a founding member of the Four Bitchin' Babes, numerous awards, television and radio appearances, and a serious knitting obsession.

Added by tuesdays_child2 on March 29, 2006