Beijing, Beijing

从2010年开始,中国智能电网正式进入实质性建设阶段。来自政策及监管部门,电网和公共事业部门,设备和技术方案公司,以及国内外智能领域战略研究和技术专家,将在今年三月共同聚首2010年中国智能电网大会,围绕政策投资,发展规划,标准推进,项目进程和技术创新五大涉及智能电网发展的关键议题, 共同探讨中国智能电网发展实施和国际合作。

This is a “MUST-ATTEND” event for anyone looking into China Smart Grid market to

﹡ Gain keen insight into policy initiatives

﹡ Exchange views with SGCC and CSG leaders on Smart Grid planning and implementation

﹡ Familiarize yourself with smart grid standards and technological application

﹡ Enjoy intimate networking with Project Owners

﹡ Get an edge on the Smart Grid market

Website: http://www.energyweek.org

Tel: +86(0)21-52126021.

Added by chinadialogue on January 22, 2010

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