1949 N. Hoyne Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60647

Mapping parties are events where anyone can come and participate in the OpenStreetMap project.

OpenStreetMap is a free, open source map that can be contributed, edited and used by anyone anywhere!! Improve local maps to better reflect your neighborhood, include your favorite restaurant or coffee shop, running or cycling trails, or use it to create the best Pub crawl map ever!!

Mapping parties are social events where experienced and new mappers can meet to share and learn more about the project. The events are generally held in a public place, and allow time for discussion, mapping and editing. The event is open to all. Come for the whole event or stay for 30 minutes, it's up to you.

They are relaxed events and you're supposed to have fun. Often we grab a beer or glass of wine after the event, and this is no exception!

The general run of the day looks like this: 11am Introduction to mapping and send experienced mappers out on their way!

11:15am loan out GPS and a short intro on how to use them

11:15am-2:30pm map map map ;)

2:30pm Meet back up at The Map Room and upload data

3ish and on-- beer time??

Official Website: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Chicago_Mapping_Party_Feb._2009

Added by Dirk Munson on February 16, 2009

Interested 1