Bloor Street between St. George Street and the ROM
Toronto, Ontario

On June 5, 2012, the grandstands of the U of T’s Varsity Stadium will be the perfect place to cheer on an event that won’t happen again until 2117. Starting at 6:04pm, the planet Venus will be visible as it moves across the face of the Sun—a phenomenon known as a transit of Venus. Visitors to the free transit-viewing event at the stadium will be able to observe using solar telescopes and free transit glasses. Visitors can also watch live video of the event from locations around the world, attend an astronomy lecture, see a show in the university’s portable planetarium, and watch a performance from the play, “A Transit of Venus.” There will be door prizes for registered visitors. Plus, U of T astronomers will be on hand to answer questions like, “How are transits helping find planets around distant stars?” To register, visit:

Official Website:

Added by Dunlap Institute or Astronomy an on May 16, 2012