541 Melville Ave
Palo Alto, California 94301

Chalice Consort explores the music for the great Solemnity of the Epiphany. From the earliest chants, through the great polyphonists Lassus and Palestrina to Gottfried Homilius, the outstanding student of J.S. Bach, the wondrous manifestation of God-in-Human-Form is gloriously celebrated in the sound of the human voice. Chalice Consort, which specializes in pure-tone singing and impeccable blend, weaves a dazzling musical tapestry.

San Francisco Classical Voice wrote this about Chalice Consort’s November 2008 concert: “Chalice Consort…took on the challenging task of presenting an all a cappella program music from Renaissance Spain, and succeeded magnificently. I say 'magnificent' due to the chorus' consistently accurate tuning and the beautiful pure-voiced and appropriate choral tone of the soprano section."

TICKETS & INFO: Tickets are available at http://www.chaliceconsort.org/concerts.html or at the door. General Admission is $20, seniors $15, and students $10 at the door, or $2 discount for advanced online purchase.

Official Website: http://www.chaliceconsort.org

Added by PureToneSoprano on December 22, 2008

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