Wallisellenstrasse 48
Zürich, Zürich 8050

Certified ScrumMaster Training with Jeff Sutherland

In the Certified Scrum Master training, participants will learn the fundamental principles of Scrum and gain hands-on practice with the Scrum tools (release backlog, sprint backlog, the daily Scrum meeting, tracking progress with a burndown chart, and more).

The course is aimed for those who want to lead, participate in, or advance Scrum initiatives in an organization.

Jeff Sutherland is one of the founders of Scrum and an experienced Scrum consultant to the world’s leading companies. Jeff is running a Certified Scrum Master training for people on how to radically improve the productivity and quality in development teams. Jeff Sutherland’s references include leading software and technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, MySpace, Adobe, Siemens, Sony/Ericson and Accenture.

Prerequisites: Participants should read Ken Schwaber’s book, Agile Project Management with Scrum, or Jeff Sutherland’s draft of The Scrum Papers before the class.

Language: English

Place: Holiday Inn Zürich Messe

Date: 16-17 September 2010

Duration: 2 days. Both days 9:00 to 17:00.

Price: 2700 CHF incl. VAT incl. course materials and meals.

Registration: Please send name, company and billing address to [email protected].

Link: http://trifork.ch/2010/09/16/certified-scrummaster-training-with-jeff-sutherland/

Added by sectrifork on August 30, 2010

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