435 College Avenue
Modesto, California 95350

Walk Now for Autism
Central Valley 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Modesto Junior College - West Campus, Modesto
Join Autism Speaks as we tackle autism! Experience the power of hundreds united by a single cause by joining Walk Now for Autism in Modesto. Click on "Register" above to start a corporate, school or family team today!

Don't miss our 2008 Kick-off party!

Saturday, August 23rd at 11 am
Memorial Education Center
1700 McHenry Village Way, Modesto, CA 95350

Click here to RSVP for this exciting event. This informational and inspirational meeting for both new and returning participants will provide you with all the information and tools you need to jumpstart your fundraising and build your team! Lunch will be provided, and you'll also be eligible to receive some great door prizes. You can also email [email protected] for more information.

Finally, PLEASE download and read these step-by-step directions on how to personalize your very own Walk Now for Autism fundraising webpage. Right-click here and choose "Save Target As..." It is important that you review these directions completely before beginning the registration process.

Walk Now for Autism offers everyone a fun-filled experience with entertainment, refreshments, an autism community resource fair, and much, much more. Be sure to raise $100 to earn your commemorative Walk Now for Autism t-shirt. We look forward to seeing you at the Walk on October 18th!

2008 Walk FAQ's

Please open this Walk FAQ's document to see the answers to some common questions about the Central Valley Walk Now for Autism.

Upcoming events

August 2 from 7 am to 1 pm - The Central Valley Walk Now for Autism planning committee will be at the Modesto Certified Farmer's Market! Stop by and get an earth-friendly mesh bag, donated by Chevrolet, to put your produce in...all for a donation to Autism Speaks, of course. If you are interested in volunteering at the booth, please contact Walk Chair Michelle Rodriguez at [email protected]. See you there!

August 14 at 6:30 pm - The Central Valley Walk Now for Autism planning committee will be meeting at Memorial Education Center in Modesto.

For more information on this or other Autism Speaks community events in the Central Valley area, please contact [email protected].

Official Website: http://www.walknowforautism.org/site/c.lwKTJcNVJrF/b.3943617/

Added by mammata2 on July 24, 2008

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