621 West 46th Street
New York, New York 10022

Celebrate Spring! is a benefit to raise funds for Parkinson's research, hosted by the Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF) and the Young New Yorkers for the Fight Against Parkinson's committee. Event Co-Chairs are G. Pennington Egbert III, Georgina B. Schaeffer, and Missy Egbert Sheehan.

The benefit, which will include cocktails and dancing, will raise funds to be directed toward PDF's research programs. The event was created by its co-chairs, whose fathers suffered from Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders in the world. There are nearly one million people with Parkinson’s in the United States alone, and it is estimated that at least 60,000 new cases are diagnosed in the US each year. Since its founding in 1957, PDF has funded almost $75 million worth of scientific research for Parkinson’s.

Official Website: http://www.pdf.org/en/celebrate_spring

Added by PDF on April 21, 2009

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