2700 24th Ave E
Seattle, Washington 98112

Super shiny information hot off the presses, my fine fellow Browncoats and fans of Firefly and Serenity - Seattle has a venue, a date and tickets ready to sell for Can't Stop the Serenity 2009!

What: Created by fans of the movie Serenity, Can't Stop the Serenity (CSTS) has become a worldwide benefit movement in support of Equality Now - an international organization that works for the protection and promotion of human rights for women and girls around the world. www.equalitynow.org
When: Saturday, July 18th
Where: Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) www.seattlehistory.org
What's the plan: Doors open at 4:30 p.m. - the film, Serenity, starts at 5:00 p.m. - with a special event that includes a raffle, catered reception and a Dr. Horrible Sing-a-long Blog presentation follows after the movie.

Tickets, t-shirts and raffle tickets are available for purchase on-line at CSTS Seattle (www.cstsseattle.org)
Tickets: $15 advance/$17 day of show (movie and raffle only)
Event Tickets: $30 advance- includes Serenity screening, raffle, buffet reception and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog presentation.
T-shirts - $20 each - Sizes available: S-5X (black) in unisex and women's style. T-shirts are only available for purchase online and must be picked up at the event. T-shirt orders will close on midnight, July 1, 2009.

Go forth and tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your neighbors' friends! One movie, one mission, one army of Browncoats...we are Mighty!
Grrr. Argh.

Official Website: http://www.cstsseattle.org

Added by Traevynn on April 6, 2009