35 West 67th St.
New York City, New York

CAN MR. SMITH GET TO WASHINGTON ANYMORE?, which made its World Premiere at Silverdocs Festival on June 16th, is a riveting, edge-of-seat story about Jeff Smith, a 29-year old underdog campaigning for Congress. With a group of like-minded idealists, the young spitfire, lacking experience, funding, and even familial support, tirelessly campaigns against career politicians backed by the wealthy and powerful. Inspiring and rousing, CAN MR. SMITH GET TO WASHINGTON ANYMORE? is proof that there is still room in our increasingly corrupt, corporatized political system for one determined individual to incite change. Presented by INDIEPIX.NET & Woodstck Film Festval IN THE CITY

Added by aavarnum on June 15, 2006



And, a director Q & A and free reception following!